Future of IT services or Products

 The common topic that become the hot topic of discussion for IT entrepeneurs is what is the future model of Softwares.Some Entrepeneurs believes that Old Model will go long which is Develoment of software and handover of code to clients.Some are saying that now it’s the time for SaaS based recurring model means use software as a service only and just pay for services you are using.According to me Future model is mix of ready solutions with source code and development of solutions and handover of code to clients because now every entrepreneur wants ready white label solution or clone of various apps related to different industries as client don’t want to invest time for development of solution which can be available ready made if they can’t find ready solutions than they will go for the development of solution or app and according to mine in India recurring model will not go long because every entrepreneur or business owner wants that their client data should not be shared with any kind of service provider or SaaS provider they want to keep the data of clients on their own server and also Indian clients don’t want to pay for per transaction for any kind of service they are ready to invest double money but they want their own developed solution without using any third party service.So future of IT industry can be ready white labelled solution with Old development services with Source code.
